Ready For Your Morning Coffee
August brings you coffee from Dockside Coffee & Micro-Roastery - the perfect coffee for the last lake weekends of the summer. They pride themselves on building an inclusive coffee culture with the goal of making fresh, high-quality specialty coffee available and accessible to everyone.

This month you'll be trying Morning Paddle. It is roasted to a medium level and when brewed you will enjoy a comforting cup of coffee with a medium to heavy body, soft acidity and smooth chocolatey overtones. Enjoy tasting notes of brown sugar and caramel.
Lay Back & Enjoy Some Snacks
Back again this month is the Healthy AND delicious Laid Back Snacks! Their nutritional philosophy is 80% fuel and 20% fun!
Founded from the concept that you can live a healthy and active lifestyle while also enjoying the small things in life - like an extra handful of delicious treats.
This month enjoy their delicious Nutless Yogi. The most amazing part of this blend is that it's school-friendly! Instead of nuts it features crunchy chickpeas.
Tell Us What You Think
Tried August's coffee or snack of the month? We'd love to hear what you think. Still missing out on delicious coffee every month? Subscribe today!
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